We are Just Ride the Bike.
Statistics, research and reports
We are passionate about helping more people to ride bikes more often. To do this we need to tell people about infrastructure developments; councils need to know how cycling paths are being used; we need to show people great kit; we need to gather facts and figures that will convince others to ride.
This page brings facts and figures together. It's almost impossible to stay on top of them all. We corral as many as we can here, (we aren't responsible for them) but if we've not got yours on here, just let us know: admin@justridethebike.com.

Transport for London
Economic benefits of walking and cycling
For example
walking and cycling improvements can increase retail spend by up to 30%
people who are physically active take 27% fewer sick days each year than their colleagues
Department for Transport
Walking and Cycling Statistics 2017​
For example
people made an average of 17 cycling trips and cycled an average of 60 miles
people cycled 54% further compared to 2002
National Cycleway Feasibility Study associated with HS2
Local road user survey report 2016
Cycle City Ambition: baseline and interim report
Cycle City Ambition: typical costs of cycling interventions
Living Streets: The UK Charity for everyday walking
The pedestrian pound: the business case for better streets and places
The Complete Business Case for Converting Street Parking Into Bike Lanes
New York City Department of Transportation
Economic Benefits of Sustainable Streets
Professor Matthew Carmona
London businesses support ‘Crossrail for Bikes’
British Council of Offices
University of the West of England
Hendriksen IJ, Simons M, Garre FG, Hildebrandt VH.
The association between commuter cycling and sickness absence
Cycling UK
For basic stats on UK cycling, including frequency, regularity and distances, Cycling UK have a dedicated page of some top line figures. These are mostly from 2016. https://www.cyclinguk.org/resources/cycling-uk-cycling-statistics
A lot of research and reports from this UK based charity who run the National Cycle Network
Key statistics and academic research
Economic benefits of active travel
Cycling Research Centre
A group of coaches; they publish the Journal of Cycling and Science
This is mostly about the sports science side of cycling.
Publishers Taylor Francis host a specific webpage which brings together 100 journal articles on cycling. These are specifically academic papers, published in peer review journals.
Carlton Reid - journalist and author
Cyclists Spend 40% More In London's Shops Than Motorists
Lots of interesting stuff about placemaking (and some of it about cycling and placemaking)
Design Council - creating healthy places
The WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments
Urban Cycling Institute
Dutch interdisciplinary academic institute, but with accessible reports and clear drive to have impact.