News & Opinion
A wide selection of opinion pieces on all kinds of cycling; some politics, some about planning and safety, getting more people on bikes, and some about bike racing - all kinds of bike racing.
Got an opinion? Send it in.

We ask if road racing is becoming increasingly dangerous

Change your business model in the midst of a pandemic

Club cycling is much more than just racing

Disc brakes are better, but not everyone agrees

making active travel a reality

Because we need to act now

It's not worth taking the risk. Find the best price to cover you and your bike now

Our top five cycling things from this year. What's yours?

Alec Seaman is fighting the blight of fly tipping in our countryside

What gets in the way of delivering some seemingly straightforward improvements.

better than the 'old normal'? We can choose

it's the solution to a better, greener economy

... just ride the bike

Part 2

Here we go!